For art n crafts lovers

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Follow Ur Imagination

I came across an interesting shop at Marina Square which sells mini mosaics. The tile fragments come in various colors, shapes and opacity. They sell also pebbles, buttons, beads and even broken pieces of shells.

This shop is actually selling mosaic art. At the shop, you may find many unique mosaics masterpieces expressed in our daily live i.e. mirror, photo frame, flower vases, and wall art. Workshops in mosaic-making are their regular events especially during holidays.

I was given a brochure, told to learn more about the workshops they offer via their web

Examples extracted from the shop’s website:

All you need is just imagination to create your own picture or design by gathering the mini tiles on your working item. I find it a good way to de-strees, just like when you do jig-saw puzzle. :)

If you are madly fond of mosaic art, perhaps you should visit Spain, a country with fabulous architectural mosaics - from ancient mosaics to modern mosaics.
More info from this web:

Yah! A Not-to-miss place is the Park Guell, Barcelona.